Intimate Moments
Today you changed my life, today you said I love you not only in words but in action, today you took my place in death, today you took all shame that comes from my wrongdoings & buried them with you, today you were beaten, broken bloodied and bruised for Me, today you were crucified next to the guilty, while being honestly innocent. Today we celebrate your victory in death, and soon we will celebrate your victory in everlasting life. Today Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice, for US! I am not ashamed, I love you Jesus!
Tonight we got to spend an hour in worship, truly praising God for the sacrifice He made for us. I brought along my 3yr old to join in. I figured, this is a pretty important night and Hes getting old enough to truly understand whats going on. I spent the afternoon explaining in detail the story of Jesus' crucifixion, trying not to belittle what happened, but also allow the mind of a 3yr old to understand. So while we spent time in church, it started making sense to him. Then they announced that there would be a 10 minute break to take communion with your family, fill a goody bag with momentum's like palm branches, thorny twigs, whips, nails and more to explain the story of Jesus, and you could also watch the clip of His crucifixion in the movie Passion of the Christ over in another corner.
Elijah and I went up the communion table and we grabbed a grape and a piece of bread(they had grapes instead of little cups of juice). We went over and sat alone on the floor and I began to explain that the grape represented the blood of Jesus, which cleanses us from all sin. That as we drink(eat) it, we are symbolizing being washed from the inside out by the power of the blood of Jesus. I start having a hard time talking, tears are flowing from my eyes as i realize how important this moment is for Elijah. And He gazes at me in awe, almost as if he feels honored to be doing such a thing. Then I show Him the bread. And I explain that just as this piece of bread was broken from the whole piece of bread, Jesus' body was broken for us, and that we could take his broken body and be made whole.
And I ask "Elijah, do you know what the grape means?" And he tells me its the blood of Jesus that makes him clean when hes dirty :) I ask again "Do you know what the bread means?" He says, it fixes me mommy. I start to cry a little more, not only did He listen to me so well with what I told him, He understood it in his own terms. So precious, beyond precious. So I tell Him, OK, lets pray for them. So we pray for them and I open my eyes to see his little wet eyelashes and his eyes glittering with tears as He humbly says "thank you Jesus for dying for me" all on his own. So right then and there my son and I partook in communion together for the first time. I held him so tightly, I didnt want that moment to end.
I am so grateful to have a little boy who knows who God is and loves him. Who knows Jesus dwells in his heart and will protect him. I am incredibly grateful for intimate moments, a memory burned into my heart forever.
But Jesus said, "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children." Mathew 19:14
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