Thursday, April 21, 2011

Journey into the unknown

As many of you know(and if you dont where were you hiding for the last month?) Sheldon and I took the daunting task of running for political office. Well honestly He did the running, and I was His live-in secretary! But it was the craziest month we have yet to experience. But it was also one of the most rewarding things we have done. Looking back, we knew we were getting in way over our heads, but even then we didnt have quite the understanding of how much. We were approached with the opportunity to take on this incredible job, and after much prayer and several confirmations, we agreed.(see how I keep saying "we" as if I did much other than support him and work the computer LOL). 
We jumped in and took off running, and didnt stop still after election day! Sheldon took on learning every possible thing he could soak up about politics, while attempting to call over 900 delegates and alternates, while making appearances at conventions and meetings, while also working 12 hour overnight shifts. His schedule on about every day looked something like this:

4pm - leave for work
5pm - start work
5am - leave work - 
6am - get home and try and fall asleep
7am - his phone ringing off the hook
8am - give up on sleep, shower and get ready
9am - leave for meetings, appearances and speeches
3pm - come back home to dress for work(and even then there were several times he took his clothes with him so he could dress at work)
4pm - start all over again

Needless to say He was running on fumes and the Holy Spirit by the end of week 3. Although a lot of people were in support of what Sheldon was doing, many others didnt even want to give him the time of day. Many times did we question if this was really where God wanted us. But NEVER did we give up. No matter how many times those delegates and alternates slammed the phone down on Sheldon, no matter how many times people negatively questioned his lack of political experience, He did not quit. He pressed on, tired, weary, discouraged several times, and out of energy, He pressed on. 
The closer we got, the more negative people around us became. But we prayed, and kept receiving confirmations and comfort that we were to stay on this path, this journey into the unknown. God sent caring, loving and supporting people to wrap themselves around us.
Come election day, Sheldon gave his speech and swayed several more votes his way. And although He did not "win", there was a victory that day. People swarmed around him to congratulate him on an amazing, touching and inspiring speech. And now that its been almost a week, we are still receiving emails from people telling Him that they cant wait till He runs again. He received 88 votes. Which has now turned into "the proud 88".

Maybe in all of this, the outcome was never for Sheldon to win the election, but to light a fire under some of these peoples chairs. To encourage them to take an extra step out of their comfort zone and do something about this world we live in. There is no doubt that it gets worse as the days go by. And if we dont step up and take our part and then some, who will? Why wait on someone else to do what we could just as easily do?

God reminded me of the story of Moses. He was called to lead the people out of slavery in Egypt into what was called the "promise land". A place of plenty, and peace. And he felt unqualified. He begged God to use another person, but God told Him he was to do it. (he did give him another person to speak for him) After trials and tribulations, and 40yrs in the desert the Israelite's were finally able to cross into this promised land. 

BUT.....Moses did not. Moses did all that hard work, pushing against forces that seemed to push back ten times harder, leading millions of people who complained, grumbled and back stabbed every chance they could. And although He was probably pretty sure He was going to make it to the final push, that was not Gods plan. Moses lead, Moses encouraged, Moses taught, Moses created relationships, Moses heard directly from God, But Moses did not enter into the worlds promise land. He was a great man, but Gods plan for him was bigger than He realized. He created these leaders from within the people who he lead out of slavery, and passed the baton to those people to go the final push. 

I believe Sheldons call was not to win this election, but to change the hearts and minds of the people he would come in contact with. Winning would have been nice, sure! But hearing so many people tell us over and over again "we have been praying for a man of God to step forward and become a leader for soooooo long!" was enough to help us understand that winning wasnt what was going to create a victory that day. The victory came from those whos hearts were pricked to be better, those who looked at a young man with no experience stepping up to something no one else had done and thought...what more can I do? And in those who met a passionate man of God, who was being obedient to the spirit even if it meant losing a worldly election. 88 people looked at Sheldon that day and said "we think Hes good enough for this job".....88 people took a chance on a man they had never heard of before, with no experience in mans eyes, and more than 88 people were touched by Sheldons message. Thats victory to me.

I am so grateful for every experience we are given. Sometimes that means winning, sometimes that means losing, sometimes that means both.......but every step I take I know that Gods plan is the master plan and He already has every answer written in the stars for me.

1 comment:

  1. It may have been a test of faith, obedience and endurance to propel you to greater things....In my estimation it looks like you passed with flying colors!!
